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International Trade & WTO

International Trade & WTO

International Trade, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, encompasses the exchange of goods and services between nations. While nations may espouse principles of free trade and market access, considerations such as safeguarding local industries and addressing unfair pricing necessitate the implementation of trade remedies. Member countries often resort to WTO-compliant measures such as anti-dumping duties, subsidies, countervailing measures, and safeguard duties, which significantly impact importers and exporters. In India, there has been a proliferation of regulatory frameworks and governing authorities aimed at ensuring fairness and compliance, aligning with WTO laws and regional trade agreements.

Given the widespread adoption of WTO agreements, adherence to their provisions demands a thorough understanding of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its associated agreements.

Industries require support in initiating actions to prompt their respective governments to engage in disputes before the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, seeking appropriate remedies and identifying pertinent issues for WTO consideration.

Advisory services encompass a broad spectrum, including market access, domestic subsidies, the Agreement on Agriculture, Customs Valuation Agreement, General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS), Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), among others.

Quill & Juris has a comprehensive understanding of WTO law, free trade agreements, the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), customs regulations, and other trade policy instruments. We offer advisory and consultancy services to both domestic and multinational corporations, as well as trade associations. Additionally, we stand ready to represent India and other nations in the WTO dispute settlement process and continue providing guidance to governments on WTO compliance matters.

Our services include:
– Anti-Dumping/Subsidy Investigations
– Advisory and Litigation Assistance in Multilateral Agreements
– Foreign Trade Policy
– Special Economic Zones
– Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)

About Us

We began its journey in 2012 with the mission of making legal reporting more accurate, transparent and accessible to common man. We made up of more than 10,000 lawyers who practice law in the province and approximately 500

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121 King St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
59 Main Street, USA


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