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About Us

Ever wonder what legal innovation looks like with compassion in its inkwell?  Don’t let complex legalese intimidate you.  At Quill & Juris, we’re redefining legal representation with a refreshing breath of clarity and confidence, empowering entrepreneurs, organizations and individuals. We’re not just legal eagles, we’re your allies and storytellers, navigating the complex legal landscape with you every step of the way.  We believe in building relationships, not just cases. We don’t just fight for justice, we write your legal story with empathy, dedication and a forward-thinking approach, ensuring your voice resonates in the halls of law and life.  We understand that every case is unique, and we tackle each one with unwavering expertise and a client-first mentality.  We offer a modern approach to law, leveraging technology (e.g., AI-powered research, legal project management tools) and creative thinking to deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions.  With seven years of active practice, and over 40 years of research and understanding of the legal affairs and the system, Quill & Juris is your legal compass, guiding you with clarity and affordability, offering comprehensive legal services across all areas.  Contact us today and let us help you turn your legal challenges into opportunities for triumph!

Welcome to Quill & Juris, where justice meets integrity, and tradition meets innovation.

We’re not just a law firm; we’re a launch pad for the legal stars of tomorrow. 

Our mission goes beyond providing exceptional legal services.

We’re dedicated to nurturing and empowering talented young lawyers, offering them a platform to shine.

At Quill & Juris, we believe in fostering independence while providing guidance and support every step of the way.

Our unique model allows aspiring lawyers to operate under our esteemed brand, utilizing our resources and expertise while retaining the freedom to work from their preferred locations.

With mentorship programs, coaching sessions, and a collaborative environment, we’re committed to cultivating the next generation of legal trailblazers.

Join us at Quill & Juris and let your talent soar while making a meaningful impact in the legal world.

Meet Our Teams

Venkatasubramanian Srinivasan
Founder & CEO

Venkatasubramanian Srinivasan is a retired United Nations international civil servant with an illustrious career spanning 32 years. His expertise encompasses a wide array of fields including governance, policy development, planning, budgeting, coordination, development cooperation, project management, procurement lifecycle management, contract administration, inquiry and investigations, disaster preparedness and prevention, elections, public information, media and communications, and administration. Srinivasan also played a pivotal role in Tsunami Recovery and Rehabilitation efforts in the Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India, from 2004 to 2006.


Vignesh Srinivasan
Managing Partner

Vignesh Srinivasan, an alumnus of The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata, India, earned his B.A., L.LB. (Hons.) Degree in 2017. Throughout his law studies, Vignesh demonstrated a broad interest in the entire spectrum of the legal field. He was deeply engaged in understanding the intricacies of the legal system, exploring various practice areas, and recognizing the intricate connections between the judiciary, society, and the complexities of law-making and implementation. Vignesh delved into statutes and their interpretations, Constitutional provisions, rights, limitations, and the fundamental values of integrity, innovation, and justice delivery.


Our Mission
"To provide exceptional legal representation and counsel, guided by integrity, compassion, and unwavering dedication to our clients' best interests. We strive to deliver innovative solutions, advocate for equitable outcomes, and contribute positively to the communities we serve."
Our Vision
"To champion justice and uphold the rule of law, fostering a society where everyone is treated with fairness, respect, and dignity."
Our Values
Our actions and decisions are guided by our values that fuel our passion, ensuring that we uphold the highest standards of integrity, excellence, and client-centered service while making a positive impact on society through collaboration, empathy, social responsibility, and continuous learning.
About Us

We began its journey in 2012 with the mission of making legal reporting more accurate, transparent and accessible to common man. We made up of more than 10,000 lawyers who practice law in the province and approximately 500

Contact Us
121 King St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
59 Main Street, USA


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